

Furnitureland Rotary was founded in 1971.
In 1972 Mobile Meals of High Point Inc. was started.
As initially conceived the Mobile Meals of High Point Board chose to avoid public or United Way funding, relying only on direct contributions of friends of the program. Charter Member Stanley Taylor suggested that this would be a worthwhile endeavor for our club to support. Thus began a long running partnership which continues to the present (2014).

Mobile Meals Treasurer, now Emeritus, has served as liaison between the organization and Furnitureland.

Vivian served Mobile Meals Treasurer since 1980. In that capacity she kept records of Furnitureland Rotary Club's annual contributions to Mobile Meals. At the August 23 2016 meeting Vivian reported the following contributions to the club.
Since 2017 Furnitureland Rotary Club continues contributing to Mobile Meals.





2021 $10,000   $544,118
2020 $1,000 Note 2 $534,118
2019 $18,000   $533,118
2018 $15,000   $515,118
2017 $17,818   $500,118
2016 $18,000 $482,300
2015 $12,800 $464,300
2014 $17,000 $451,500
2013 $20,000 $434,500
2012 $28,000 $414,500
2011 $27,000 $386,500
2010 $25,000 $359,500
2009 $25,000 $334,500
2008 $25,000 $309,500
2007 $25,000 $284,500
2006 $23,500 $259,500
2005 $22,500 $236,000
2004 $21,000 $213,500
2003 $20,500 Note 1 $192,500
2002 $20,500 $172,000
2001 $17,500 $151,500
2000 $14,500 $134,000
1999 $14,000 $119,500
1998 $14,000 $105,500
1997 $13,000 $91,500
1996 $10,000 $78,500
1995 $10,000 $68,500
1994 $10,000 $58,500
1993 $6,000 $48,500
1992 $6,000 $42,500
1991 $6,000 $36,500
1990 $6,000 $30,500
1989 $4,500 $24,500
1988 $4,500 $20,000
1987 $3,500 $15,500
1986 $3,500 $12,000
1985 $3,000 $8,500
1984 $2,500 $5,500
1980 $3,000 $3,000

Vivian's records start with 1980 although the club's involvement preceeded that date.
Note 1 - Includes a $500 direct contribution from a member of the club
Note 2 - No Auction in 2020- COVID-19






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Special thanks to Tord Elfwendahl for his incredible Rotary graphic images used throughout this web site.
Please address comments, corrections or concerns about this Website to Phil Morris, Web Manager, (336) 887-7435

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